We are still facing a big challenge to reach the masses for the efforts being made towards reducing global warming.
Being an ordinary man coming from India, I wish to see the efforts and some rapid measures being taken at a grass root level to encourage more and more people to adopt a lifestyle which is energy efficient.
I am sure IPCC can consult various governments to spread a mass awareness campaign to educate people on global warming. Even if an ordinary man is not bothered about thinning of the ice sheet in Greenland 1000s of miles away, he needs to be told that these extra ordinary rains, unpredictable monsoons and floods are a result of that.
I, being on net and regularly reading, am aware of the hazards of the global warming, may also take some steps towards that, but who will tell millions of people who are just bothered to earn their livelihood, discuss politics, go back home and sleep.
We have seen our parents glued to news channels day in and day out, but how many news channels actually devote even 1% of the airtime to these issues. Not all the people watch Discovery or NatGeo.
I want my government (State and Center both) to take enough measures to reach people. Our government decided to have a war against Polio several years ago and today we are on the verge of eradicating it. The question is “Is government equally serious about this issue as well”?
I am not sure if we even have a budget allocated towards this issue. I know of some NGOs taking steps but have never heard of the government taking any steps. Not sure how the governments all over the world are handling this issue?
The need is to have campaigns running across cities, towns and villages. We need to have different media playing an equally important role, whether it is print, TV, radio or outdoor media. We need to reach everywhere.
Given a choice and direction, I would like to be a part of any such campaign which will run across my region.
Everyone knows that the time is running. The big question is “Shall we wait for the D day to come or start taking measures now?”.
The choice is ours.
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